Formal Email Template

Describe past job experiences and knowledge gained briefly

Subject: Request for Meeting with Academic Counsellor


Dear (Academic Counsellor’s Name),


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss my academic progress and seek guidance on course selection for the upcoming semester.


As a (mention your program/major), I have reached a critical point in my academic journey where I would greatly benefit from your expertise and advice. I would like to discuss my current course load, program requirements, and explore opportunities for academic enrichment or specialization.


In preparation for the meeting, I have compiled a list of specific questions and concerns I would like to address. Additionally, I would appreciate any guidance you can provide regarding internships or research opportunities related to my field of study.


I understand your time is valuable, and I will be flexible to accommodate your schedule. Please let me know your availability, and I will do my best to adjust accordingly. I am open to meeting in person or via Zoom, depending on what is most convenient for you.


Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my academic goals and chart a path toward my future success.


Best regards,


(Your Name)


(Your Student ID/Number)


(Your Program/Major)


(Your Contact Information)

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