Career Guidance


Our team is working remotely during COVID-19. Currently, all of our counseling sessions are taking place online, through secured video conferencing.

What We Offer

At Centre For Intellectual Excellence

We can help you to establish a fulfilling career direction and make strategic career-related decisions.


Our unique and individualized career counseling process has helped numerous Canadians to determine their ideal careers since 2019! Through your work with one of our Registered Psychologists, Career Counsellors, and/or Advisors, you’ll walk away from career counseling feeling confident in the choice(s) you’ve made and clear about the practical steps you need to take to reach your career goals!


Did you know that many benefit/extended health plans provide coverage for sessions and assessments with our Registered Psychologists and Psychotherapists?

What Is A Career Guidance And Counseling Program?

It is a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and implementing informed educational and occupational choices. A career guidance and counseling program develops an individual’s competencies in self-knowledge, educational and occupational exploration, and career planning.


Why is Career Guidance and Counseling Key to the Delivery of Vocational-Technical Education?


Career guidance and counseling programs help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to identify options, explore alternatives and succeed in society. These programs better prepare individuals for the changing workplace of the 21st century.

The Purpose of Career Guidance

Who Benefits From Career Guidance And Counseling Programs?

Everyone benefits–youth and adults, male and female, disabled, disadvantaged, minorities, limited English proficient, incarcerated, dropouts, single parents, displaced homemakers, teachers, administrators, parents and employers.|

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